Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Some people go through life wishing to get out of the small town they grew up in, or get away from the people you saw everyday for the first two decades of your life. Let me tell you, I was one of those people. I knew from the second I started filling out applications for college that I was going to go somewhere a good distance away from my hometown, to get out and experience the world (or so I thought…really I am in a building most days and do not get to see any of the world beyond the walls of the Dalton Center and occasional Brown Hall). Nonetheless, college has been quite an eye opening few years for me.
This past weekend I had to make the drive home to the Upper Peninsula to sing in a wedding. I was truly dreading driving 16 hours in one weekend, but the second I crossed the bridge, I felt a surge of energy and excitement that I had never felt before. In that instant I knew I really did miss my home. Though I am loving the freedom and college life at Western, there are some days I wish I was back home by the lake, playing hockey with my sisters, or sitting outside our cottage with four generations of family. These are the things you don’t learn by traveling the world or experiencing new culture. Though that is an enriching experience, some of the best learning happens in your own backyard.  

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